About Me

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Hello, my name is Beowulf. My human named me for the epic warrior because she loves the tale, as well as mead. My sister(Ursula) and I love the delectable treats she bakes, as well as our homemade meals! We are likely two of the most spoiled and well-fed dogs around, so if you need any tips, tricks, or recipes for dog fabulousness you are in the right place! You ask, I answer. And just so we are perfectly clear, I will not "candy-coat" anything!

January 30, 2015

Dogs With UTIs??? (Isn't that a human condition?)

     I have met so many dogs over the past few years who have had painful urination, are dehydrated, overweight, sluggish, and just plain miserable! I really feel bad for them, and am just so grateful that I do not suffer the issue which commonly presents those symptoms. So many dogs are now suffering uncomfortable, sometimes very painful conditions which used to be applied to humans. The one in particular I am seeing so much of is urinary tract infection or UTI. Canines of the past had such strong immune systems that they rarely got infections, and their anatomy is still such that a very short intestinal tract should be able to quickly flush any bacteria out. But things have changed over time, and plenty of scientific research is pointing to commercial dog foods as the major culprit in these ailments. The dried, grain and chemical-laden foods most often fed to dogs today is just not healthy. Canines(and felines) are carnivores, so their bodies need raw meat to thrive.
     In addition to prevention with nutrition, it is important to note that certain "pure" breeds are notoriously prone to UTIs, especially the popular French Bulldog. I have also heard rumor of Shepherds, Poodles, and Labs getting UTIs. I don't know if a breeder will divulge that information(it might deter buyers), but they should. So to all the humans who are ready to bring home a new family member, at least be aware of the special issues/care that may be necessary for your little ones. Here is a list of basic symptoms which may indicate a UTI:
                          More frequent than usual peeing
                          Insatiable thirst/power drinking
                          Straining to pee, exhibiting pain when peeing
                            (In serious cases, your dog will be in more pain
                              than you realize, and you may even see blood
                              in the peepee...time for the vet!)
     For mild symptoms, it is fairly easy to eradicate the issue at home with proper foods, herbal remedies, and lots of attention. My human and I agree that prevention is always the best policy, so here are a few tips to try to curb any infection before it starts:
                           Offer plenty of fresh water during the day.
                           Allow for frequent potty breaks! Forcing a dog
                               to hold too long(more than 5-6 hours at a time)
                               will cause infections.
                           Feed a species-appropriate diet(raw meat, bones,
                               organs, etc.)
                           Keep doggies clean and fresh. Females are esp-
                               ecially prone to UTI because their junk is
     If the unfortunate happens and your pup does get an infection, here are a few home remedies my human would use:
                           Bathe then rinse with ACV(apple cider vinegar)
                             and water(1:3). Don't use ACV straight cause
                             it burns!
                           Add 1/2 tsp ACV to water every day til infection
                              clears up. Afew tblsp of coconut water will
                              also help AND taste better.
                            Feed 1 tsp coconut oil each meal.
                            The homeopathic remedy Traumeel is the best
                               anti-inflammatory/pain killer EVER! We use
                               it for all kinds of pains and injuries, and the
                               liquid drops are best for UTIs(half human dose).

       P.S. For prevention, remedy, or cure, I recommend several
              all-natural treats and chewies per day! (My human puts
              those drops on em and we can't even tell.)
       P.P.S. (Don't mind the pun.) Never give dogs citrus juices,
               including cranberry! Too much sugar and the ACV will
               balance ph levels if they are off.

                                      Two happy campers!

                                                   Happy Tails to You!!!

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